Best Effective Nail Whitening

Yellow nails are a turn off as well as bad hygiene but you don’t have to use nail polish to cover your yellow nail ends anymore. Now you can keep your nails unpolished and make them look white without needing to play the ‘French nail design’ on them anymore. It is very easy with the home remedies below to keep your nails white and shinny.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Mixture

Method: First of all start by removing any nail polish off your fingers (if you have any); then wash your hands good with warm water and hand shampoo/soap for few minutes. In a small bowl add 1tbl of hydrogen peroxide and 1tbs of baking soda and mix it well until it becomes like kind of a paste. With the help of cotton apply the mixture all over your nails as well as underneath them. Leave the mixture on your nails for about 4 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Do this twice a week and soon enough you will start seeing great results.

Lemon juice and Baking soda Paste

Method: Remove any nail polish you might have left on your nails and then wash good your hands with harm water. In a bowl add 1 ½ tbs of lemon juice and same amount of banking soda. Mix well until it becomes like a paste. Apply this mixture all over your nails (as well as underneath them) and let it stay there for about five minutes and then wash it off. Do this twice a week and soon you will see how white and shinny your nails will be.

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