3 Things You Should Know Before Marriage

Have you found that right person that makes your heart beat like never before? That makes you miss him/her without leaving the house yet? What you do when you find that right person you just want to spend every single day of your life in their company? Well, you marry them!

Marriage is the most difficult yet satisfying commitment you will ever make. It is a life time decision (or at least this is supposed to be) but of course every rule has exception. The important thing is to enter in a marriage with the idea that is going to last forever. If your partner cheats, gambles, hide things from you, hits you or anything of this genre then there’s nothing you can do except leave them.

Not everyone is going to be a good husband and father but there are things to consider in order to avoid marrying the ‘wrong person’ into thinking he/she is the right one. Love can blind everyone but it comes a time when you should use common sense and consider the real facts-believe me you don’t want to spend the rest of your life raising your kids alone without the help of your partner or get your heart broken simply because you were blindly in love.

Just married couple, holding hands and walking in nature
3 Things You Should Know Before Marrying Him/Her

1-The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior: I am not saying you should judge your partner based on his/her past relationship but if your partner have had like a dozen failed relationship than you must think good before entering in a marriage with her/him. What makes you think is going to be different with you? Does your partner have a bunch of kids from different partners? does your soon to be husband/wife have a bad relationships record? well these are questions you should ask yourself and take a decision after. Of course people change, but their behaviour hardly does, unless something dramatic happen to change their entire way of thinking.

2-How does your partner see marriage? Women enter marriage with the idea of having a beautiful family, a fairy tale life that is far away from reality at times, however men (at least most of them) see marriage as a way to have a free made to cook and clean for them. No matter what he says, after marriage things are going to change and he will expect you to do most of the chores.

3-What type of household did they grow up in? did their parents had a loving long lasting marriage or they barely saw each other-although i don’t believe that their parents marriage is going to affect yours in any way, for some it can be a good hint that they don’t  take marriage as seriously as they should.

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